Ashton Cartwright
Chief Editor

Holly Kench
Holly is a writer and editor, with a classics degree and a fear of spiders. She blogs about her life as a stuffed olive at www.stuffedolive.com.au and is the managing editor of “Visibility Fiction,” promoting and publishing inclusive young adult fiction at www.visibilityfiction.com.
Holly is the Editor here at Ashton Publishing group, and is very cool indeed.

Jeana Todd
Submissions Editor
Jeana is a fun loving, hardworking, straight shooting, navy brat. Her fondness for reading did not happen until later in life when she started reading to help encourage two boys to read. Her favourite stories are erotic and romance novels with a paranormal flavor. Her first book and author “true love” is “The Space Between” by Kristie Cook.
Jeana is a Submissions Editor here at Ashton Publishing Group, as well as Admin at I Love My Ereader.

Nikki Sex
Submissions Editor
Writing under the pseudonym Nikki Sex, Nikki has had some very significant success with her novels, including several bestsellers. Specializing in Contemporary or Erotic Romance with powerful and often very sophisticated plot lines, Nikki is our submissions editor that evaluates the more “kinky” submissions we receive. You can check out her author page at www.facebook.com/onlysexystories

Submissions Editor
Kristy (Book Addict Mumma) is a lover of romance and all things bookish. She has a weakness for happily ever afters, but enjoys the thrill of a cliffhanger and the heart ache of a not so-happily ever after.
She runs the blog Book Addict Mumma and also B.A.M Promotions.
Kristy is studying for a Degree in Marketing and is the Personal Assistant to New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author A. Meredith Walters & Bestselling Author Ann B Harrison.

Chris Fung
Submissions Editor
Hailing from the wind-blasted steppes of Mongolia, Chris Fung is a highly accomplished mathematician, award-winning potato grower, and habitual liar. Two specialties which have lent themselves perfectly to his career as both a Musical Theatre performer and freelance writer. Chris occasionally has things published with AussieTheatre.com, holds a BA in Performance Studies and Education from Sydney University, and is due to complete a Bachelor of Musical Theatre from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, so it’s safe to say that he likes pieces of paper.
In 2014, Chris performed in the Australian national tour of ‘The King and I’. Wherein Chris was fortunate enough to understudy and play the title role to 25 audiences at the Princess Theatre in Melbourne. The King that is, not Mrs. Anna. Chris is passionate about good writing, and believes that he is extraordinarily privileged to get so much access to it through his association with the Ashton Publishing Group.
You can find out more about Chris at www.chrisfung.com.au

Claire Compos
Submissions Editor
Claire is a British mum of two living in Switzerland. She trained in and practiced radiography for 12 years before becoming a stay at home mum when she and her family moved to Switzerland in 2011.
Claire loves to read and goes through books like they’re going out of fashion (which, thankfully, will never happen). She will read pretty much any fiction genre that’s put in front of her, from action adventure, to LGBTQ stories, to thrillers to YA/NA romance as long as it has a well thought out plot and interesting characters.
She is excited to read and evaluate your work and hopes to help a multitude of new authors reach their audience.

Traci Roe
Traci is a proofreader from the States. A mother of two, she has recently discovered her love of proofreading and editing. Not just here for the commas, quotes, and grammar; her main goal is to keep your readers engaged.
Sometimes the slightest detail can distract a reader, and she is here to prevent that. She reads a variety of genres and is not bothered by kink. She is very passionate about her work and understands you are too.
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