When authors first go shopping for a publisher, one of the first questions that gets asked is “Why are royalties calculated on the net amount, rather than the gross amount?”
Well, there are certainly some publishers who use the Gross Amount process. . . but and here’s what they don’t tell you:
If one form of advertising costs $1,000, and makes $1,500 in sales, there is $500 net profit. So the author gets $250, and the publisher get $250. Sounds perfectly fair and reasonable right?
BUT here’s how it works out if the split is off the GROSS amount:
The cost is $1,000, and makes $1,500. The publisher pays the $1,000, then the $1,500 is split 50/50, meaning $750 each.
Now the publisher has spent $1,000 to make $750, which means they have LOST $250. If the publisher wants stay in business, they are never going to do that promotion ever again. . . because why would they? They lose money every time they promote the book!
Changing to a split of NET royalties makes the publisher driven to promote the book to the best of their abilities. Making the split of GROSS royalties can put the author and publisher in a situation where promotion becomes a DISINCENTIVE, and that’s not good for anyone.18時注文までは即日発送 【miumiu】 ミュウミュウ サングラス MU10NS 1AB1A1 レディース 【dl】glassmania
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