Nikki Sex
Bestselling Author
Nikki has had half a dozen novels hit the bestseller list, and writes in both contemporary romance and erotica categories. Her stories often involve a bit of kink, but she’s a sucker for Happy Ever After endings, so no matter how dark her stories get, it always all works out.
She is best know for her novels Karma, Fate, Kink, and Abuse, as well as her serials Bound and Freed, Carmen’s New York Romance, and Elizabeth’s Bondage.

Natasha Stories
Bestselling Author
Natasha is probably best known for her bestselling contemporary romance novel Stray.
She has also published a series of three linked novels that can be read as stand alones, titled Rustled, Wrangled, and Played.
She loves reading too, and some of her favourite novels are books like Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James, the Fade series by Kate Dawes, as well as the Crossfire series.

Zachary J. Kitchen
Zack Kitchen has had a diverse life to say the least. The third son of ten children in a poor farming family, he found that there was no money for college so , at the age of 17, he enlisted in the Marine Corps. A year later he earned an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
He always dreamed of flying so, after graduating with a B.S. in English Literature from the Academy, he went to flight school and flew for the Navy for five years as an NFO or “goose” (as the position has been known since the film “Top Gun.”
After fulfilling his active duty obligation, Zack received a Navy scholarship to attend medical school and graduated from the University of Michigan School of Medicine in 2000. He trained at the Walter Reed Medical Center and the Bethesda National Naval Medical Center for internship, residency, and fellowship.
His training completed, Zack deployed to Iraq with a Forward Resuscitative Surgical System team and, often under fire, gave life and limb saving surgical and resuscitative treatment to American military, allied military, civilians, and enemy combatants alike. He holds the Combat Medic Badge from the Army and the Combat Action Ribbon from the Marines.
Returning home, Zack decided that he’d served his country enough and was missing his two daughters growing up, so he left service and joined a small private practice in the sleepy coastal town of New Bern, North Carolina. As a transplanted Yankee, it was a bit of a culture shock, but he can now say “Y’all” and “Fixin’ to” in proper context. Recently diagnosed with a genetic heart defect, Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis, he has been working hard to fulfill one of his greatest dreams, being a novelist.
His published works include Promises to Keep and The Unbeliever.

Scott Prussing
Scott Prussing was born in New Jersey, but was smart enough to move to beautiful San Diego, California as soon as he received his Master’s degree in psychology from Yale University.
Scott has written six paranormal romance books in his critically acclaimed Blue Fire Saga. He recently added Blue Fire Beginnings, a collection of stories revealing the origins of some favorite Blue Fire Saga characters, and Blue Fire Heat, which containes six x-rated stories about Blue Fire Saga characters.
Scott is also the author of the mystery/suspense novels Unturned Stones and Tangled Webs, and the fantasy/adventure Dreams of the Last Born. Further showcasing his versatility, Scott recently penned two erotica novels, Seduction and Surrender.
Besides writing, Scott enjoys riding his bicycle near the beach, going to the movies, reading, hiking and golf. He remains one of the few people in the United States without a cell phone

Lawrence Southwick III
Erotica Author
Lawrence Southwick is a long-term practitioner of the BDSM lifestyle, participating in events in NY, PA, OH, and Canada. He enjoys writing erotica with kink and romance and love, and Happy After Evers. He uses his life and experiences as the basis of his stories. He is a contracted Dominant to two lovely female submissives, Master of House Weigelia, and playmate with other friends.
His most recent novel Her Master’s Heart was published through Ashton Publishing Group.

Ashton Cartwight
Chief Editor / Author
Ashton Cartwright is a part time author, full time poker player, and all the time hair model.
Just kidding.
We actually have no idea why he does this with his hair, but it’s become somewhat of a trademark look with him, and he’s unlikely to change it in the near future.
His two books are Pretending to Love, a facetious romance advice parody, and Real Grinders, which contains interviews with over two dozen professional poker players.

Mike Riley
Mike Riley is the author of the ‘Pacer Stacktrain – Railroad Detective’ series of Noir crime stories.
His very first story in the series is called Hump Yard Floozy, and is set in his home town of Tualatin, Oregon.

Terence Kuch
Terence Kuch is a consultant, avid hiker, and world traveler. His checkered publication career includes Commonweal, Diagram, Dissent, Journal of Irreproducible Results, New York magazine, North American Review, The Realist, Slow Trains, Timber Creek Review, Worm-Runner’s Digest, Washington Post Book World, and Washington Post Magazine. He specializes in strange, obsessive fiction and has been published in the US, UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, and Thailand.
His most recent novel is a thriller called Try Try Again, published by Ashton Publishing Group
His blog is at terencekuch.com, and his writer promo website at terencekuch.net. He enjoys being frequently Googled.

Christina Palmer
Erotica Author

Christopher Cartwright
Christopher Cartwright is a trained paramedic, sailor, and scuba diver. His novels are filled with action and adventure, and almost always tied in with the deep blue sea. If you enjoy authors like Mathew Reilly and Clive Cussler, then you’ll like Christopher Cartwright’s stories.
You can visit him at www.christopher-cartwright.com

Susan Cartwright
As Virginia Woolf says, “Writing is like sex, first you do it for love, then you do it for your friends and then you do it for money.” Just now Susan is writing because she loves it.
She has published several short stories, as well her novels Wolf Dawn and Wolf Revenge, which are the first two parts of a Sci-Fi trilogy.

Will Mosley
Will is a political columnist, student of Computer Science and a lover of literature. After finding a collection of Ian Fleming’s ‘James Bond’ novels in the neighborhood dumpster at age 8, he became obsessed with James Bond. After reading the books, his desire to become a novelist was born. To this day, he remains a James Bond purist… and the answer is Timothy Dalton.
Some of his favorite novels are Stephen King’s ‘Pet Sematary’, Dean Koontz’s ‘Strangers’, and Sandra Brown’s ‘The Switch’.
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