At the moment, we are primarily looking at publishing novel length (60,000+ words) Romance books, including all sub-genres of romance, such as Contemporary Romance, Erotica, Historical Romance, New Adult and College, and Westerns. Occasionally we may accept shorter novellas as manuscripts in any of these categories.
We will also consider novel length manuscripts in the Thriller, Crime, Suspense, or Mystery categories.
What we’re trying to say is this: Novel length stuff is awesome, particularly if it’s contemporary romance. Shorter length stories and novellas often have more trouble getting traction in the marketplace, even if they’re quite good, so we don’t work with short stories as much.シチズン CITIZEN プロマスター メンズ 腕時計 PMD56-2952 国内正規【ポイント10倍】【楽ギフ_包装】
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